
Sygic GPS Truck & Caravan Navigation

Offline GPS navigation for trucks & RV with maps & routing for large vehicles

Sygic GPS Truck & Caravan Navigation is not launching, crashing, freezes

First of all, we're sorry that you experience this behaviour in the app. This interactive article covers all the basic troubleshooting steps that help resolve situations like this.

If you get a system message while the app runs that the app is not responding or stopped working, please report this using the "Report" option from the system error message.

Below is a quick interactive guide to help you troubleshoot this kind of issue. Respond "Yes" or "No" whilst performing these various steps to troubleshoot it properly:

1. Turn your device off and on again

This is to ensure that the crash is not caused by some random or minor system error.

2. Force close and empty cache

If the application stops responding or the problem persists, force close the application and clear the cache in the settings of your device> Applications> Sygic GPS Truck & Caravan Navigation.

3. Can you run the app?

If the application does not start, please skip this step. Go to Menu> Settings and select "Reset to defaults". Turn the app off and on again. This should help if there was a problem with the settings.

4. Is the application installed in internal memory or SD card?

If you have an application stored on an SD card, try to move it to the internal memory. If there is a problem only if Sygic GPS Truck & Caravan Navigation is installed on a particular SD card, it is likely that the SD card is faulty - in which case you have 2 options:

  1. Format the SD card (in this case, please back up all data to another storage medium as formatting all data from the SD Card is deleted)
  2. Replace the card. If it is an internal / hardware card error, it is possible that formatting will not resolve the error.

5. Please try reinstalling the app as the last option

As the very last resort, please consider reinstalling the app. Notice that this step will lead to the loss of your personal data in the app (favorites, saved routes, etc.) if you don't back it up. The location of your personal data is located beneath the reinstall guide.

Reinstall guide

  1. The Sygic GPS Truck & Caravan Navigation app for Android can be reinstalled simply by uninstalling the application via the
  2. Google Play store or through your phone settings>applications. Once done, you can install the application via the Google Play store again.

If you would like to back up your maps, Favorites or other personal data, please copy the following files and folders to other folder in your phone memory, or transfer them to your PC:

Internal memory:

SygicTruck/Android/settings2.dat – app settings
SygicTruck /Res/db/items.dat – saved favorites
SygicTruck /Res/itinerary/ - saved routes


Android/data/com.sygic.truck/files/SygicTruck/Android/settings2.dat – app settings
Android/data/com.sygic.truck/files/SygicTruck /Res/db/items.dat – saved favorites
Android/data/com.sygic.truck/files/SygicTruck /Res/itinerary/ - saved routes

Thank you for using our interactive guide. We're happy to hear the issue is now resolved. Have a nice day and safe travels with your Sygic!

If neither of the steps in this interactive guide helped in resolving the issue, please contact us with the following data (the more data you can give us, the sooner we will be able to fix the issue), so that we may effectively assist you in resolving them:

  1. Your device model on which this crashing occurs.
  2. Which Android OS version are you currently running on it.
  3. Sygic GPS Truck & Caravan Navigation App version (you will find this information in Menu → Settings → About, or in the Android system's Application manager → Sygic Truck window).
  4. Device name(again, you will find this information in Menu → Settings → About).
  5. The exact or approximate time and date the app crashed or stopped responding.
  6. How often does the crash repeat/crash frequency.

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