
Sygic Travel

Free/Premium app that will help you to create a day-by-day itinerary for your trip.

Does Sygic Travel support public transport?

Sygic Travel includes public transport in selected destinations - in the majority of top tourist destinations in Europe, North America, Australia and New Zealand. We are currently working on adding more cities.

The public transport data is sourced directly from local authorities that make timetables for their cities and regions publicly available as open data. The data is updated daily, including information about various closures, diversions and other changes. Please note that although new cities are being added, sometimes they are also removed due to outdated or corrupted data.

Public transport routes are available on the Sygic Maps website and in the Sygic Travel mobile apps. In the apps, opening a place's detail will also display information about the most efficient way to get there. Tapping the Navigate button will display all the possible routes: by car, on foot, and of course by public transport if there is data for the area available.

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