
Sygic Travel

Free/Premium app that will help you to create a day-by-day itinerary for your trip.

Adding visiting times and notes


You can add a note to one day by clicking the gear button next to the name of the day in the left sidebar.

To change the visiting time of a place, open the detail of the day in the left sidebar and click the gear buttton next to the name of the place. You can also add note to the place.

iOS app

You can add a note to one day by selecting the day in the calendar and tapping on "Add note to day".

To add a note to a specific place, find the place in the itinerary and tap on it. You will see the “Add note” option there, along with the option to set visiting time for a place, including start and end time.

Android app

You can add a note to one day by tapping the three dots in the upper right corner.

To add a note to a specific place, open the detail of the day and then click on the place. You will see the option to set time or note there.

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Working with the itinerary

Changing the name & dates of your trip

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Ak ste nenašli odpovede na Vaše otázky v našich článkoch, manuáloch alebo videách, prosím kontaktujte nás vyplnením tohto formuláru. Náš tím zákazníckej podpory Vás bude kontaktovať v priebehu nasledujúcich 48 hodín.