
iOS Sygic Truck Navigation

Search doesn’t work or can't find what I'm searching for

This article will help you in case you are having trouble finding something with the search function in the top side of the screen.

To provide an effective service in this matter, precise data is required for us to analyze and fix any issues you may experience when navigating with Sygic. Before you proceed, please make sure that the app and maps are up to date, find the Sygic GPS Navigation via the App Store or Google Play Store and Update it if possible. For the maps, you need to go to the app’s Menu → My Maps (iOS) or Manage maps (Android).

To contact our support team, you need to complete the Yes-No questionare below.

Check your input

Usually, a small typo error can cause the search to fail. Make sure you have the address correctly typed into the search field. In case you are entering GPS coordinates, make sure you are using correct symbols and that the longitude and latitude are also entered in the correct order.

Check maps

Please make sure you have the map which you need downloaded. Go to the app's Main Menu → Maps.

Check what you are searching for

It is possible that our map data does not have the address or location you are looking for on the map. You can check this by finding the given point through another application, for example through Google, and comparing the location of the searched location with the location in Sygic. If the given point is missing in Sygic, or even if the given point is in the application, but the search does not find it, please, send us the data that will show you the next step after pressing the "No" button.

Congratulations, you have successfully solved the issue! 👍

To help investigate and fix this type of issue, we need the following information. Please, provide it after clicking on "Submit a request".

Your input into search (exact, to the letter, input):
Location of the point you are searching for:
List of downloaded maps:
Map version (you will find this information in the Sygic Truck Navigation's Main Menu → Settings → Info → About):
Sygic app version:

Presentar una solicitud

Regreso a la sección Descripción general

Maps are not downloading

Maps are outdated

Presentar una solicitud

Si no ha encontrado la respuesta de la pregunta en nuestra sección de preguntas frecuentes, guía del usuario ni guías de video, póngase en contacto con nosotros completando los detalles a continuación. Nuestro equipo de atención al cliente le contactará por correo electrónico dentro de las 48 horas. Gracias.