
iOS Sygic Truck Navigation

My paid Premium features are not working

Before you proceed, please make sure that your Sygic Truck Navigation app is up to date. To update the app go to the App Store, find the application and update it.

The Premium features may stop working if you change your device or perform a factory reset. You need to reactivate your license in both cases.

You can check your active licenses by going to the Main Menu → Sygic Store → Restore/manage purchases. If you can see your licensed in there, then it's activated. If it is not active, proceed with the steps below.

Sygic store unavailable

If there is a connection issue present in the app, please follow the instructions from the article Maps aren't loading.

We are glad the issue's been resolved. Enjoy your Premium features.

Contact our support team

Please submit a request with the following data so that we may assist you more effectively (you can find this data in the app: Main Menu → Settings → Info → About):

  • Device code
  • Device model
  • Previous device model if you have changed devices recently

Please note, our support team is obliged to require a receipt for your past purchase if they cannot find any purchase records under the email address you are contacting them from.

Presentar una solicitud

Regreso a la sección Descripción general

Cannot install the app

Maps are not downloading

Presentar una solicitud

Si no ha encontrado la respuesta de la pregunta en nuestra sección de preguntas frecuentes, guía del usuario ni guías de video, póngase en contacto con nosotros completando los detalles a continuación. Nuestro equipo de atención al cliente le contactará por correo electrónico dentro de las 48 horas. Gracias.